Fixing Your Clothes for Beginners: A Sustainable Fashion Guide

Fixing Your Clothes for Beginners: A Sustainable Fashion Guide

Welcome to our guide on fixing your clothes for beginners. With a growing emphasis on sustainable fashion and reducing our carbon footprint, learning to fix and maintain your clothes has never been more important. Not only does it help you save money, but it also extends the life of your clothing, thereby reducing waste. Let's get started on this journey towards making sustainable fashion a part of your everyday life.


Understanding the Basics

Before we dive into the process of fixing clothes, let's understand the basics. The first step in fixing your clothes is to assess the damage. Is there a missing button, a loose hem, or a tear in the fabric? Once you've identified the problem, gather the necessary tools - thread, needles, buttons, or fabric glue, among others. If you're a complete beginner, consider investing in a basic sewing kit that often includes all of these items.

Basic sewing kit


Sewing Buttons and Repairing Hems

Let's start with two of the most common clothing repairs: sewing buttons and repairing hems. For sewing buttons, you'll need a needle, thread, and a new button. Start by threading the needle and tying a knot at the end of the thread. Push the needle through the fabric from the back and thread it through one hole in the button. Repeat this process until the button is secure. We have a video on our Instagram and TikTok which walks you through this process.

Fixing a hem is slightly more complex. You'll need to fold the fabric where you want the new hemline to be and press it with an iron to create a crease. Then, using a needle and thread, make small, evenly spaced stitches along the crease to secure the new hemline. Remember, the stitches should be small and even to ensure a neat finish. Here is another great video to talk you through this.

sewing button 


Patching Up Tears

Patching up a tear is a slightly more intricate process, but with a bit of patience and practice, it's certainly achievable. Start by choosing a patch that matches the fabric and colour of your garment. Position the patch over the tear and pin it in place. Then, using a needle and thread, begin stitching around the edges of the patch. Make sure the stitches are close together to secure the patch and prevent any fraying. Once you've stitched all the way around, tie off your thread on the inside of the garment to finish. Follow a step by step video here.

Patch tear sewing 



Fixing your clothes may seem a bit daunting at first, but with some practice, it can become a rewarding and eco-friendly habit. It's a small step towards embracing sustainable fashion, and it goes a long way in reducing waste and conserving resources. Remember, the goal isn't perfection, but progress. So, grab that sewing kit and start mending!

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